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Coho Connection 10/15/24

Posted Date: 10/15/24 (4:28 PM)

Sakai Masthead
Coho Connection 10/15/24
Inside this Newsletter
  • Message from the Principal
  • PTO Coho Run
  • PTO Mini Mart & Popcorn Day
  • Counselor's Corner
  • Hearing and Vision Screening
  • School Photo Retakes
  • Fall Conferences
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Art News
  • Sakai Calendar
Dear Sakai Families,
It’s a busy week for us at Sakai! We are halfway through our annual fundraiser about 61% of the way to our goal. Please see the message below on how to participate. Funds raised go to so many activities and supplies for our school that enhance and supplement learning. For example, funds from the COHO Run pay for our 6th graders to go on an interactive field trip to study the Seattle Fault, enriching a unit in Science. On Bike to School Day, PTO will use funds raised to host a fun BMX show that highlights healthy living habits and bike safety. Each day at Sakai students use PTO-purchased Makerspace and art supplies, playground equipment, and classroom materials to help supplement what we are provided through the district. Our wonderful PTO has made a clear chart to see where funds are designated on the Rally Up site
Unity Day
Yesterday we had our Unity Day assembly. Our students heard powerful messages of unity from three BHS students, who shared their experiences and advice for being inclusive and accepting. This Wednesday, October 16th, is Unity Day. On Unity Day, we are asking the Sakai community to wear orange as a visible representation of the supportive, universal message that our society wants to prevent bullying. On Unity Day, we come together to send one large message of support and to show that we are united against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. To learn more about Unity Day, visit the National Bullying Prevention Center site.
Great ShakeOut
Finally, on Thursday we will be joining schools across the state for the annual “The Great Washington ShakeOut”. This drill is focused on earthquake preparedness. We will address this schoolwide, ensuring students know how to react if an earthquake occurs when we are on campus. This may also be a good time to discuss your family's plan. If you are looking for help with your home preparedness, the Great ShakeOut website has many helpful resources.
Have a wonderful week, Sakai!
The Annual Sakai COHO Run is Here!

The COHO Run, Sakai PTO's biggest fundraiser of the year is here. We will conclude the fundraising period with a run for kids on Friday, October 25 at the Woodward track. The event will also feature a “spirit day” where homeroom classes compete for the most class spirit by dressing up in costume. Funds raised by the COHO Run will help support enrichment and educational resources such as teacher grants, grade-level assemblies, classroom and teacher supplies, field trips, subscriptions, educational programs, and community events/parent resources. 

Your PTO is committed to funding experiences and events to foster a strong sense of engagement and community among all. Our goal is to collectively raise $70,000 (about $160 per student), though donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. We are truly grateful for any financial support you can provide at this time. Our goal is 100% participation, and no donation is too small! Donations can be made online, or by check/cash (details below).  

  • Most Spirited top 5th and top 6th grade homeroom will enjoy a pajama day with a fun treat 
  • Extra recess for the top 5th and 6th grade class for most earnings
  • Everyone will be entered into two weekly drawings for gift cards from local businesses
  • Whole school prizes for both participation and goal met!
How to register your student:
Step 1: Online: Go to
Step 2: Click on Register My Student.
Step 3: Click on Register My Student.
Step 4: Select the number of students you wish to register and click Add to Cart.
Step 5: Click on Check out now.
Step 6: Select your student’s class: This is listed as optional but we strongly recommend it. We won’t be giving prizes based on individual student fundraising, but we will be celebrating class and grade level fundraising. By associating your student with their class you are guaranteeing their class level and grade level receive credit for your donation.
Step 7: Fill in your student’s information and fundraising goal: This section will be seen on your student’s personal donation page.
Step 8: Personalize your link: This allows you to change how your link reads. Add your student’s name or nickname for easier sharing. Click Next.
Step 9: Fill in Your Information. Click Next.
Step 10: Review and confirm. Click Submit.
Step 11: Spread the word to family and friends that it is quick and easy to support your student’s fundraising effort! Every donation makes an impact!
COHO Run QR Code
How to Collect Online Donations  

  • Go to Rally Up or use the QR code
  • “Search for a Student” to find your student's name or homeroom teacher.
  • Click donate and select flat amount
  • Enter the amount you wish to donate and add to cart.
  • Proceed to checkout to complete your donation! 
  • Please note there is a prompt about tipping that we are unable to remove, but tips are not required. Simply select “custom” and set the amount to $0. 
  • Your donation may be tax deductible: IRC 501(c)(3) organization/Federal Tax ID No: 91-0977467

Online donations will be open through Friday, October 25 at 11:59 pm. 

Cash or Check: Today your student received a COHO tracker envelope from their homeroom teacher to collect cash or check donations. Please return this printed envelope with all cash and checks collected; return to your student’s homeroom teacher. Make checks payable to Sakai PTO. All donation envelopes are due by Friday, October 25 at 11:59 pm. 

Corporate Matching: Many employers offer corporate matching programs for charitable donations. Be sure to check with your employer to help boost our student's fundraising efforts. Instructions for initiating a corporate match are below in the FAQs. Contact us and we will credit your student’s account with the match amount while your company processes the request.  
Supporter FAQ

Q: I can’t find the student(s) I want to donate to.
A: This is likely because the student has not yet been registered. That’s okay! We can still make sure they get credit for your support. Simply click “Can’t find the student you’re looking for?” and enter the student’s name. Then complete your transaction and Rally Up will prompt our administrator to assign your donation to your student.

Q: I can’t see student last names. How can I make sure I’m donating to the right person?
A: For privacy, some families opt to only display first name and last initial. It’s very helpful if you know the teacher’s name so you can confirm you have found the right student. Reach out if you need help by clicking the “contact organizer” button.

Q: Oops! I accidentally donated to the wrong student.
A: No worries! Send us a message alerting us to the issue and we can reassign your donation to the intended student.

Q: I’m not sure my donation went through.
A: After completing your donation you will see a “donation confirmed” screen. If you do not see this message, you have not completed checkout.

Q: My employer has a matching gift program. What do I need to do to have my employer match my COHO Run donation?

A: Most large companies offer formal donation matching as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme, and many smaller ones will be happy to offer to match donations if you approach them and let them know about your fundraising.
Requesting a matching gift is normally a quick and easy process which must be initiated by the donor. You can do this by filling out and submitting a paper match form provided by your employer or through an electronic submission process.

Your employer will need the following info:
  • Tax ID #91-0977467
  • Name of Organization: Bainbridge Island Parent Teacher Organization Coordinating Council
The Bainbridge Island PTOCC is the 501(c)(3) organization for all district PTOs. They will receive the matching funds and designate them to Sakai PTO. Please let the Sakai PTO know that you have sent a matching gift by emailing We will make sure it’s attributed to your student!

If you have any questions, please contact: the Sakai Coho Run Chair, Jen Wallerich at Thank you for supporting the Sakai PTO and our school community! 

Mini Mart & Popcorn Day
PTO Mini Mart & Popcorn Day
Mark Your Calendars:
10/18 is Sakai’s First Mini Mart of the Year!

Students may purchase (for CASH ONLY) small items like pinky balls, pens, pencil toppers, stickers, mini notebooks, etc., at recess on this date. Prices range from .25 to $5. **Small bills and coins are highly appreciated if making a purchase.**

Students receive FREE freshly popped popcorn on Mini Mart days!

Proceeds from Mini Mart directly benefit our students, and Student Council representatives staff this fun and educational event. Last year, Student Council voted to buy more playground equipment. 
Counselor's Corner
Counselor's Corner

Counseling Groups

We are fortunate to begin offering small counseling groups at Sakai. One of the first groups we are going to offer is a Changing Families Group beginning in November. This is an 8 week group focused on the changes that occur as a result of parent separation, divorce or remarriage. The Changing Family group sessions will occur during lunch. Each session will consist of fun activities and time for discussion. If you are interested in having your child participate in the Changing Families Group please contact the school counselor.

Beth Hebert - 206-780-6506,
Anita Watson - 206-780-6561,
Hearing/Vision Screening
Hearing and Vision Screening
Vision and Hearing screens are on Tuesday, October 22nd, for all 5th grade students. 

We do not routinely test 6th grade students, but we can include them in the screening sessions by parent request. 
If you want your 6th grade student included in the vision and/or hearing screening please let us know.

Vision Test: The vision test for 5th grade will be done by a SPOT Vision Screening tool.
Hearing Test: The hearing test consists of a routine screening with an Audiometer.

Parents will be notified if the school health screening results indicate that a healthcare provider follow-up is recommended.
If you do not want your child screened please let us know as soon as possible.

We welcome any questions you may have regarding this process or your child’s screening results. We are happy to help in any way. 

Please feel free to contact the Sakai Health Room at (206) 780-6507, for any questions or concerns.
School Photos
School Photo Retakes
School photo retakes are scheduled on Wednesday, October 23rd, at 9:00 am. 

If your student would like to have their photo retaken or your student did not have their picture taken in September, please be sure to have their picture taken on retake day.
Fall Conferences
Fall Conferences
Thursday, October 31st and Friday, November 1st are Fall conference days.
There is no school for students on conference days.

Conferences are an important time to further that home to school, and school to home connection that is so valuable in education. It's a time for students to be recognized for their efforts, and a time for students to re-establish their goals and their dedication toward reaching those goals. Families and teachers work together to support the student. In so doing, families and teachers show the caring and teamwork that is a crucial connection in a student's education. Teachers are looking forward to conferencing with all of you. If you have not yet heard from your student's teacher about signing up for a conference, you will soon. When you do, please act quickly to sign up for the conference time that works best for you.  
Sakai Volunteer Opportunities
We have several upcoming volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Thank you for considering signing up to help us out.

(This is a surprise for our students so please don't mention it to your student.)

Sakai Reads
Sakai’s all-school book discussion groups takes place on Wednesday, November 6th. This year’s theme is Compassion. For more information and if you would like to lead a discussion group, please click here.

Please remember that all volunteers who help in the classroom, on field trips, and other various activities must be cleared by the district: Volunteering with BISD. The approval process can take up to two weeks. Once approved, you are ready to volunteer and your approval is valid for two years.

Please bring your driver's license or id each time you sign into any school in the district.
Dia de Los Muertos
Art News
Sakai is participating in the Day of the Dead celebration at Bainbridge Island Museum of Art on November 10th from 3-6 pm.. We are doing a large collaborative piece and then also providing folded origami Monarch butterflies.

We hope you can attend this special, private showing. 

BIMA is requesting that if you are going to attend the private showing of Dia de los Muertos, that you register so that they can get an accurate headcount to prepare for chairs, food, etc.

RSVP to Jenna d'Anna at

Thanks! I hope to see you there.

Maggie Hitchcock
Art Specialist
Sakai Calendar
16: BI Historical Museum Field Trip - Meyers/Naden-Johns/Speertsta 10 - 1
16: Unity Day - Wear orange
18: PTO Mini-Mart and Popcorn
22: Vision/Hearing Screening
23: School Photo Retakes 9:00 am
31: Fall Conferences - No School
1: Fall Conferences - No School
6: Sakai Reads 10 am

Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator and Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058;