Students utilize Frogrock accounts to access school email and the full Google Suite of applications. This FAQ provides information regarding how accounts are set up and the advantages of these accounts. is the domain for our students’ email accounts. It is directly connected to the school district’s Google Apps for Education account and the staff domain. (A domain is the designation that follows the @ in an email address.)
Timely and immediate feedback from teachers and peers allows for a dynamic learning process. District supported student email accounts will facilitate this process by making communication much easier for students and teachers within a safe educational environment.
Email privileges are set by grade bands: Gr. 5-6, Gr. 7-8 and Gr. 9-12. Some grades can only receive email from BISD staff accounts. Some grades can send and receive from within the two domains in the district.
Older students have greater email privileges. The privileges are determined by the instructional staff based on the curriculum and classroom instructional needs for communication.
Many adults have a work email address and a personal email address. This keeps personal emails private and separate from work related communications. The same is true for students. A school account provides a safe, appropriate, and collaborative communication method for school work separate from personal communication.
With the Frogrock accounts, students can use Google Drive to create documents and presentations. Students and teachers can work collaboratively on these documents and share them with others. Also, students can log into their accounts at school and at home.
Safe email practices are taught within the area of Educational Technology Skills and Digital Citizenship. At most schools, the teacher librarians oversee instruction for Digital Citizenship. Classroom teachers also teach school and classroom expectations for safe and effective communication, electronic and person-to-person. The BISD Technology website has additional resources for Internet Safety.
The district has policies and procedures related to the safe and effective use of electronic resources. (See the BISD Policies & Procedures 2022 and 3246). In addition, students and their families sign a Responsible Use of Electronic Resources Agreement.