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Adult Living Program

BISD’s Adult Living Program (ALP) is a specialized program to help prepare students with disabilities for a successful transition from the Bainbridge Island School District to young adult life.

It is intended for students:

  • that are between the ages of 18-21
  • whose IEP team has determined that the student should participate in the Adult Living Program for transition services
  • who have connected to, or plan to connect with, community agencies and partners (DVR and/or DDA)
  • who have high support needs in the areas of vocational, adaptive, independent living, and/or social skills

Seniors who transition to the ALP will still participate in their graduation ceremony with their age-appropriate peers and receive a certificate of attendance. The student’s diploma will be given at a later date when the IEP team has determined that no additional special education services are needed and/or they age out of services. The receipt of the diploma would end the student’s eligibility for special education services.

The Adult Living Program provides individualized and small-group instruction by a Special Education Teacher, paraeducators, and if stated on the IEP, other service providers (ex. SLP). Experiences and instruction in the ALP are intentional and intended to support the transition of high school students into adults in the community. The program emphasizes safety and social communication, daily living skills, job readiness skills and experience, and recreational/leisure activities. The program also provides opportunities to explore community job sites based on the application of job readiness skills and student interests and skill sets. Individuals in the program are typically out in the community several days a week to generalize what they have learned in the classroom into the community setting and engage in job readiness activities.

Instruction content is differentiated based on individual student needs and may include some/all of the following focus areas:

    • Understanding the importance of life skills
    • Communication skills
    • Time management and organization
    • Goal setting and planning
    • Budgeting and financial planning
    • Grocery shopping and planning
    • Savings and debt management
    • Self-awareness and self-esteem
    • Social Emotional Learning
    • Stress management
    • Conflict resolution, problem-solving, and positive communication
    • Nutrition and healthy eating habits
    • Exercise and physical fitness
    • Mental health and well-being
    • Substance abuse awareness
    • Reading and writing skills
    • Basic mathematics and numeracy
    • Computer literacy
    • Resume building and cover letters
    • Job search strategies
    • Interview skills and mock interviews
    • Workplace etiquette and professionalism

Note on grading: ALP is an optional non-academic graded class focused on the development of safety and social communication, daily living skills, work training and experience, and recreational/leisure activities individualized by the student’s IEP. ALP students earn a passing grade by completing each semester of the program and will earn their high school diploma once they complete their time in the ALP.


Helpful Infographics:


Transition Resources:


Annalisa Sanchez- Director of Student Services
