The school board provides leadership and strategic direction regarding policies and procedures that support the educational programs of the Bainbridge Island School District. Regular school board meetings are held on most second and last Thursdays of the month at 5:45 p.m. They occur in person in the BISD board room and are broadcast live/recorded via Zoom.
Agendas can be found by clicking "Meetings" on the upper right hand corner on the BoardDocs website.
Policies and procedures can be found by clicking "Policies" on the upper right hand corner on the BoardDocs website.
The BISD Board Room is located off High School Road between Bainbridge High School and Commodore Options and adjacent to the lower gym. The address is 9530 High School Road NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
A high-level overview of previous board meetings.
Recordings of meetings are accessed through BoardDocs by clicking on the meeting tab on the top right corner and selecting which meeting you wish to review.
There are five School Board Director Districts on Bainbridge Island and the Board Directors are elected from those areas.
Term: Through November 2027
Term: Through November 2025
Term: Through November 2025
Term: Through November 2027
Term: Through November 2027
2024 – 2025 Dates (Schedule Subject to Change)
School Board Meetings are typically held on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month. Meetings begin at 5:45 p.m.
Location: BISD School Board Room
The BISD Board Room is located off High School Road between Bainbridge High School and Commodore Options and adjacent to the lower gym. Map to Board Room
Facilitator: School Board President
The Role of School Board Members
School directors work together to oversee the school district. As a board, the primary responsibilities are:
Are you passionate about education and have the desire to help guide the future of BISD?
Download this informational packet to learn more about becoming a school board member: Serving on Your Local School Board
School Board Student Members - 9th-12th Graders
The Board of Directors of the Bainbridge Island School District recognizes the value of student representation on the School Board so that student voice and input is included in the Board’s work.
At least one student board member should attend each Board Meeting, which are held twice per month on Thursday evenings. See exact schedule below.
The student members will contribute to Board by:
Student representatives will not:
Student representatives provide the Board with advisory votes on agenda items as follows: immediately before the Board votes on an agenda item, the Student Board Representatives will provide their advisory vote – whether pro, con, or abstain.
Communicating with School Board Members
The BISD School Board values the public's suggestions, thoughts and opinions and welcomes the community to reach out to the school board in various ways. It is important to note that due to rules outlined in Washington State’s Open Public Meetings Act, there are certain things that school board members cannot do such as:
Ways to Communicate with the School Board Members
How to Make Public Comment
The board values input from our community. This is an opportunity for you to share what’s on your mind and for the board to listen and learn.
Per School Board Policy 1115, if there is a vacancy on the school board, the remaining board members will fill the vacancy by appointment. The board will appoint one of the candidates to serve until the next regularly scheduled board election, at which time a director shall be elected for the unexpired term, if any.
Find out which positions are up for election and verify that you can run for the office. You must be a registered voter, live within your school district boundaries and live in the certain director area in which you are running. Check Director Districts here by viewing the District Maps listed on this page. The Kitsap County Elections Office can help verify your eligibility. There is a certain week in spring (usually early May) that you must file your candidacy for the November election. Learn more by visiting Kitsap Candidate Filing.
The school board values hearing from the public, but this must also be balanced with holding meetings that are reasonable in length and meetings that allow enough time for the school board, superintendent, and directors to handle the necessary business required. It has been our experience that most speakers are able to express their opinions/points of view within the allocated time. If your time is up and you have more to share, please reach out to members of the school board to set up a time for further discussion.
Public comment is exactly that—your opportunity to provide comment, but it is not a time for dialogue. This is a time for board members to listen and consider but not to respond. Due to rules outlined in the Open Public Meeting Act, the school board cannot discuss matters not listed on the agenda.
Yes! All regular school board meetings are open to the public, recorded, and posted to Board Docs. Sometimes, the school board needs to call an Executive Session for the purpose of one of the statutorily authorized reasons such as to discuss a legal matter or a personnel issue. When this happens, the regular school board meeting is closed, and the board moves into an Executive Session, which is closed to the public and not recorded. During an Executive Session, the board does not take action. Please refer to Policy 1410 to learn more.
Yes! Periodically throughout the school year, the school board holds study sessions to dig deeper into a topic, and the public is welcome to attend. However, during these sessions, the public is not allowed to engage in discussion with the board. Board study sessions are also recorded and posted to Board Docs.
Board members strive to follow the standards outlined by the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA). The board evaluates its performance annually during a board retreat.